Our Hours Calculator tool is designed to simplify the process of calculating the time between two dates or times. You can know the exact hours, minutes, and seconds in a few minutes. This calculator provides a detailed report, including the total days, additional hours, and total minutes. Simply input your start and end times, and the tool will do the rest.
Hours in different time periods
An hour usually means 60 minutes, and a minute is 60 seconds. We define a second based on scientific standards. There are 24 hours in a day. People tell time using either a 12-hour clock or a 24-hour clock.
12-hour clock
This clock shows time from 1 to 12. On most traditional clocks and watches, it might not say if it’s morning or evening. However, on digital displays, “AM” means “before midday,” and “PM” means “after noon.” Here, 12 AM is midnight and 12 PM is noon. Saying “midnight” or “12 noon” can help clear up any confusion about the time.
24-hour clock
This clock uses a 24-hour format, starting at midnight (00:00) and covering 24 hours to the next midnight. It avoids confusion, especially in professional settings like the military. Hours from 0 to 11 correspond to AM, and 12 to 23 are like PM in a 12-hour clock. This precise format is often called military time.
Description | Hours |
Hours in a day | 24 |
Hours in a week | 168 |
Hours in a month | 672 (28-day month) 696 (29-day month) 720 (30-day month) 744 (31-day month) 730.5 (average) |
Hours in a year | 8,760 (365-day year) 8,784 (366-day year) 8,766 (average) |
Hours in a decade | 87,648 (2-leap-year decade) 87,672 (3-leap-year decade) 87,660 (average) |
Hours in a century | 876,600 |
Reference:- 12-hour Clock & 24-hour Clock