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Age Calculator

Use this Age Calculator to find out your exact age. Just enter your date of birth and the date you want to calculate your age for. The tool will show your age in years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. You can preview the result and adjust the details if needed. Once done, your accurate age will be displayed below.

How to Use the Age Calculator?

1. Enter your date of birth in the provided field.

2. Enter the target date for which you want to calculate your age.

3. Click the “Calculate” button to determine your exact age.

4. View your age displayed in various formats below.

Here Is a example

Lets look an example , For instance, let’s consider you are born on April 15, 1990. After entering this information, on the date of birth then you should proceed to select the current date.

This could be today’s date or any other date relevant to your calculation; for this example, let’s stick with April 12, 2024.

After putting all the information of the date of birth and the current date or for the date you want to calculate your age then just click on ” calculate ” button.

The age calculator will then process the data and generate the results accordingly. In our situation , the calculated age might appear as:

Age33 years 11 months 28 days
or407 months 28 days
or1,773 weeks 5 days
or12,416 days
or297,984 hours
or17,879,040 minutes
or1,072,742,400 seconds

This breakdown have all the detail of person age in years, days, hours, minutes and second. With its user-friendly interface and accurate results, our age calculator proves to be a valuable resource for both personal and professional needs.

Note:- Our age calculator offers calculating age in years, days, hours, minutes and seconds. We consider leap years and month lengths for precise calculations. While years and months are treated equally, days are calculated precisely, factoring in leap years and month lengths.


What is an Age Calculator?

An Age Calculator is a tool that helps you determine your exact age in various formats, such as years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

Can I use the Age Calculator for any date?

Yes, you can use the Age Calculator to calculate your age for any target date, whether it’s in the past, present, or future.

Is the Age Calculator free to use?

Yes, the Age Calculator is completely free to use.

How accurate is the Age Calculator?

The Age Calculator is highly accurate, providing your exact age in years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds based on the input dates.

Why should I use an Age Calculator?

Using an Age Calculator helps you quickly and accurately determine your age, which can be useful for various purposes, such as filling out forms, planning celebrations, or simply satisfying your curiosity.

Can I calculate the age of others using this tool?

Yes, you can calculate the age of anyone by entering their date of birth and the target date for which you want to determine their age.

What formats does the Age Calculator provide?

The Age Calculator provides your age in multiple formats, including years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds, giving you a comprehensive understanding of your exact age.