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GPA Calculator

GPA calculator calculates your GPA and creates a report based on your course credits and grades. It works with both numbers and letter grades.

GPA Calculator is the perfect tool for quickly and accurately figuring out your Grade Point Average (GPA). Whether you’re a student trying to do well in school or a teacher keeping track of grades, our easy-to-use calculator gives you fast and exact results.

Use our easy College GPA Calculator to quickly find your grades average. Just follow a few simple steps, and you’ll have your GPA in minutes. Our calculator uses your course credits and grades, which you can enter as numbers or letters, to create a report of your GPA.

How to Use Our GPA Calculator?

Here’s how to use our GPA Calculator, explained in simple steps:

1. Enter Course Information: Start by typing in the name of each course you’re taking. Include how many credits each course is worth. Credits usually show how important the course is in your schedule.

2. Add Your Grades: Next, enter the grades you received for each course. Our calculator can handle different types of grades, whether they are letter grades (like A, B, C), percentages (like 90%, 80%), or points.

The calculators mentioned use these letter grades and the usual numbers that match those grades, based on points:

Letter GradeGPA

3: Review and Calculate: Before you finish, take a moment to check over the information you’ve entered to make sure it’s correct. Once you’re ready, hit the calculate button. Our tool will quickly figure out your GPA based on the details you provided.

This tool is designed to make tracking and understanding your academic performance straightforward and hassle-free, helping you focus more on learning and less on the math behind your grades.

Target GPA Calculator

The calculator can be used to determine the minimum GPA required in future courses to raise GPA to a desired level or maintain the GPA above a certain level.

How to Use GPA planning Calculator

Here’s how to use the GPA Planning Calculator, explained simply:

1. Enter Your Current GPA: Start by typing in your current cumulative GPA. This is your overall GPA from all the courses you’ve taken so far.

2. Add Your Total Credits: Next, enter the total number of credits you’ve earned up to now. Credits are the points you get for each course, depending on how big or important the course is.

3. Set Your Desired GPA: Now, think about what GPA you want to have by the end of your next school term. Put that number in the calculator.

4. Enter Future Credits: Input the number of credits you plan to take in the upcoming term. These are the credits for the courses you will or plan to enroll in next.

5. Calculate: Hit the Calculate button to find out the GPA you need next term to reach your desired GPA. The calculator will also show you the highest GPA you could achieve with your planned credits.


Our GPA Calculator is your key to understanding and tracking your academic performance with ease. Whether you’re a student striving for success or an educator managing grades, our calculator simplifies the process, providing accurate GPA calculations in seconds. Try it now and take control of your academic journey!

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Reference:- Grading systems by country from Wikipedia

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